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Good for your heart, lungs, and muscles1

Reduces your risk of heart disease and cancer2

Makes you more resilient to illness and injury3

Improves memory and problem solving4

Finding ways to move your body every day has real health benefits. And that doesn’t mean you need to hit the gym or scale a mountain (unless you want to). There are all kinds of ways to get in motion without spending a lot of time or money.

Things You Can Try

  • Move every day, throughout the day
  • Move every day, throughout the day

    • Set a movement reminder on your phone.
    • Go for a walk – no need to count steps or distance.
    • Stand up more. Try standing for phone calls and meetings.
    • Park in a spot farther from the entrance to a store.
    • Take the stairs.
    • Dance to your favorite song.
    • Join a local sports team.
    • Move a little while watching TV, like during ads and between episodes.
    • Clean your space – yes, chores count!
    • Walk or take public transportation for work, errands, or fun events.
    • Walk your child or grandchild to school.
  • Enjoy green space
  • Enjoy green space

    • Spend an hour at a park – swing sets aren’t just for kids!
    • Step outside and feel the earth under your bare feet. Notice what you see, smell, hear, and feel.
    • If you work from home, position your desk so you can look out a window. Even if you’re stuck inside, try to look up from your work occasionally and take a moment to enjoy the outdoors.
    • Work in the yard or garden, sign up for a community garden, or nurture some indoor plants.
    • Volunteer at a park or green space.
    • Enjoy a local trail. Find ADA accessible trails here and here.
    • Take your pet for a walk or play with them outside.
    • Get into outdoor recreation. Check out these resources for people of all abilities.
    • Bike in the park. With adaptive cycling, there’s a bike for every body.
  • Try strength training
  • Try strength training

    • Sign up for a group exercise class – there are options for all interests and abilities, from water aerobics to circuit training.
    • Consider joining a gym. Many gyms even offer a free session with a trainer when you sign up.
    • Find a local community center or park with free exercise equipment or weight lifting classes.
    • Wear light ankle or wrist weights while doing chores.
    • Do a 7-minute at-home workout: 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 sit-ups, 10 lunges, and a one-minute plank – and repeat until you’ve done this routine for 7 minutes.
    • Try exercises for balance and coordination such as heel-toe raises, balancing on one foot, or sitting on an exercise ball.
  • Stretch
  • Stretch

    • Focus on stretches that help your overall mobility: calves, hamstrings, hip flexors in your pelvis, front of the thigh, shoulders, neck, and lower back.
    • Aim to hold each stretch for 30 seconds, but don’t worry about how long you hold if you’re new to this type of movement.
    • Gentle head rolls or neck circles are good for the neck and can be done throughout the day while sitting or standing.
    • Consider joining a yoga class, or search for free instructional yoga videos online. Adaptive yoga is available for all ages and abilities!
    • Reminder: don’t bounce or push through pain while stretching – it can cause injury.
    • The key to flexibility is consistency! It may take several months to feel improvement in your flexibility.
  • Move every day, throughout the day
  • Enjoy green space
  • Try strength training
  • Stretch

More Resources
and Support

1 Why You Should Move, Even Just a Little, Throughout the Day

2 Physical Activity Builds a Healthy and Strong America

3 Benefits of Physical Activity | Physical Activity Basics | CDC

4 Physical Activity Boosts Brain Health | Physical Activity | CDC

Be Well WA is an initiative created by the Washington State Department of Health to help everyone in Washington live healthy and make positive changes in our lives, families, and communities.

We believe well-being is for everyone, no matter your age, budget, ability, or time constraints. For interest in partnering please visit