Emotional Well-Being Quiz
Get matched with mood-boosting activities that fit your lifestyle
Get matched with mood-boosting activities that fit your lifestyle
Living a healthy, happy life isn’t about doing the most. Or spending the most. Or keeping up with the endless stream of wellness products, trends, diets, apps, and memberships cluttering our news feeds.
Well-being is all about embracing the power of the little things that make us feel our best. And the recipe looks a little different for each of us.
So, take a deep breath, hold it for five seconds, let it out slowly, and then read on for ideas, tips, and habits that can help you take steps towards a healthier you, inside and out.
Be Well WA is an initiative created by the Washington State Department of Health to help everyone in Washington live healthy and make positive changes in our lives, families, and communities.
We believe well-being is for everyone, no matter your age, budget, ability, or time constraints. For interest in partnering please visit doh.wa.gov/BeWellWA.